Saturday, February 15, 2014

Cabin Fever

We've had a bit of a hiatus here at the Three Strands blog - life got busy and we are all off in different directions. For the last few months here in the Midwest it's been snow, cold, snow, and more snow. We're all a little tired of it. It's supposed to hit the 40s next week so maybe some of this will melt off finally.

Cabin fever is in full swing. I've been spending more of my time reading and cooking things like soup and stew than I have on crochet, but I vow to get back to it soon. I posted a lovely baby blanket today that I finished on Etsy ( It's such a sweet little pattern, I knew I had to make it the moment I saw it. It was fairly simple too, just a little rosebud granny in 3 different colors, assembled in strips with a ruffly green border. So sweet! I wish we had a little girl in the family to give it to but all our babies are practically in their 20s now!

Hope you are all in fine spirits and staying warm.


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