Monday, January 28, 2013

Raglan Sweater Weirdness

by Kelly

Still working on the Bernat Denimstyle Turtleneck Sweater. I was merrily following the directions when I reached a weird part - at least it was weird to me:

This is the front panel, and when finished it has two points on either side and an unworked part in the middle. That thing in the middle is a stitch holder (imagine a big green safety pin) that is holding the unworked stitches.

I looked at this completed panel and instantly was plagued with doubt. How could this be right? But apparently it is...for raglans.

via Knitting and  Crochet Guild

Thank heaven for the Internet! The link above goes to a site I have never seen before which looks to be a fantastic resource for all things crochet and knit. Even better, the page I landed on had two diagrams, one of which showed how to piece a Raglan sweater together. Whew!

There's also a wonderful article on that explains way more about sweater construction than I ever really wanted to know, but it cleared up a few mysteries, and more importantly, reassured me that I was on the right track here.

I've added Knitting and Crochet Guild to the sidebar under 'helpful sites' and look forward to exploring there sometime. Meanwhile, on with the sweater. Sleeves are next - and as a side project, maybe another pair of leg warmers for my aunt-in-law, while the cold weather lasts.

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