Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Yarns on Film

by Kelly

Some animations involving yarn and knitting...

                                                     Yarn invasion

I saw this first on Dark Roasted Blend, home of all things weird and wonderful.

                                                        Yarn city

This is an advertisement for MusicID, an app for cell phones that helps you identify random music. All you have to do is turn on the app and place your phone next to the radio to identify the song and artist.  If you're a music geek like my husband, you should definitely check this out.

And finally, the one that made me decide to write this post in the first place,

                                                  Phoebe's sweater

Which is an animation of the knitting of a sweater. What's really cool about this is the book series that this sweater is from.

Phoebe's Sweater is a children's picture book that includes knitting patterns for the sweater in the story. The story itself is really sweet, and the illustrations are beautiful.

Phoebe's Sweater- Signed

I love this idea!  Making the sweater would produce a real world connection between the child and the book, providing mommy doesn't lose patience with the sweater and hurl it across the room, knitting needles and all, while uttering a word that her little darling will immediately pick up on and use in preschool the next day.
 Yeah, I know. Another knitting book. What can I say, I'm on a roll.

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