Thursday, November 17, 2011

Charity Drive Update - Those Darn Happy Hookers!

They're gaining on us!

I checked the totals today and the Happy Hookers from Texas are at 264 points. So we still have a lead on them but we're not in the clear yet.

I'm at the fringe part of the blanket I was making which for some reason is the one part I always slack on. So as a break I started doing squares again. I'm at 5 squares for 40 points. If life doesn't keep getting in the way I'll start working on some more and mail them out after Thanksgiving. Hopefully we can still maintain our lead. :)


  1. I'll make more squares on the drive back. I've had a nice little break now, so I'm raring to go.

  2. Ok Confession Time - I haven't done any this month. I still have 6 days before Thanksgiving, so I'll try to whip up a few this weekend and bring them down to Donna's on turkey day. Dang those Happy Hookers! I thought we were going to skate through November.

  3. I have 106 points as of tonight. I still have to weave all the ends in. I won't get any more made before Thanksgiving. I have to clean my house and get some more food prep done.

  4. Wow, Aunt Donna!!! Okay, so we should definitely be able to keep our lead. I have 48 points and enough yarn for another 10 or 11 squares.

  5. I'm mailing 48 points in tomorrow
