Saturday, October 15, 2011

Charity Stitch

So I've been working a little on the charity squares and was wondering if Donna and Kelly would like to get together on Monday morning at Donna's house - maybe around 10 - to do a charity stitch & bitch. I have about 4 12" squares done and I thought I could also bring down the scarves and hats I have for the Fossil Ridge donation. Let me know if you can make that. Steph, you're welcome too - though I'm guessing that's a LONG drive :)


  1. That would be fine with me. i think you've made more progress than I have, though, especially since I just ripped my third square apart, since it was an inch too big. Grrr.

  2. Yeah, I'm having some size issues as well. I hate gauge - I hate gauge - this is my new mantra that I chant every morning. I just called Donna and she's working on Monday but how about Wednesday at her house around 10-ish?

  3. Wish I could make it. Considering the only stitch and bitch sessions I have are when I complain to the hubby about a pattern or tell him about being excited over my progress and he just replies with "hmmm". :P So not as much fun.

    I just did a count of mine too and I'm working on my 11th 12" square so I'm at 88 points. One bonus to being able to work at home means I can crochet during my client conferences without getting dirty looks.
