Monday, June 13, 2011

The German and The French

by Kelly

Antique knitting instructions - and some diversity training.

TO MAKE A STITCH. Bring the thread in front, as if for a purled stitch, so that when you knit one the thread will pass over the needle, and will make a hole in the following row. This diagram shows the manner of making three stitches, and any other number could be made, by putting the thread round a proportionate number of times. In the engraving it will be seen that the thread is put twice entirely round the needle; and then brought forward, so that the next knitted stitch will take it over a third time. In doing the next row, knit one, purl one, knit one of these stitches; however many are made, they must be alternately knitted and purled in the next row. When the stitch allowing the made stitches is to be purled, the thread must be entirely passed round the needle, once for every stitch to be made, and brought forward also.

And the French

TO FORM A ROUND:—This diagram represents the French manner of performing this process by casting the whole number of stitches on one needle, and then distributing them on three, or perhaps four. But the English mode is to divide the number of stitches, and cast so many on each needle, not withdrawing the last stitch of each needle from the point of the next needle. When all are cast on, the round is made by knitting the two first stitches on to the last needle. Four needles are employed for stockings, five for doyleys and other round articles.

I have very little to add to this except

1.  No, that is not my misspelling of 'doiley'. I just cut and paste here, people.

2.  I'm not quite sure what the 'German manner' is supposed to accomplish - other than bringing you to your knees in weeping despair. 

3.  Personally, I think things are much safer now, when we only have 'English' and 'Continental' forms of knitting. The last thing you want to do is upset someone holding two long needles in their hands by implying that their country's knitting practices are flawed. Comments like 'You knit like a Belgian' or 'I see you cast on in the French manner. Pah! The French know nothing!' are definitely less common now.

The above was found on KnitHeaven. They have crochet instructions also, if you're interested.

A sampling of the crochet pages:

A Crochet Needle
A Crochet-Needle

One word on the implement termed a crochet-hook. It should not be sharp or pointed, either in the point or barb, but smooth, and quite free from any angularity that can catch the silk. Cheap and common crochet-hooks are in the end the dearest, as they break cotton, ravel silk, wear out the patience, and prick the finger. They should be of the best steel, highly polished, and firmly fixed in ivory handles. Those we use have been made at our recommendation, and have the size engraved on every handle. This saves the tiresome and uncertain reference to a gauge. These hooks are termed "tapered, indented" crochet-hooks

Well! Now I know where the word 'crotchety' comes from.

1 comment:

  1. I can't even understand the English version. I'd really have trouble with the French or German.
