Saturday, May 14, 2011

Yarn Bombing Upcoming Events

by Kelly

Picture courtesy of Wikipedia

Yarn bombing is a kind of street art or graffiti that originally began as a way to brighten and warm up cold, sterile looking public spaces. Think of it as making a tea cozy, only on a very large scale.

Apparently, June 11th, 2011 has been declared International Yarn Bombing Day. Who knew? Well, all these groups of knitters and crocheters around the world, that's who.

So mark it on your calenders, and keep your eyes peeled, because all these secretive crafters have been plotting their yarn bombing for months, and they just might come to a town near you. 

More images at

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the cool post Kelly. I actually am familiar with this all too strange concept. Morton Arboretum rounded up a bunch of stitchers last year and one of my friends attended. They were crocheting for trees! Check it out at:
