Friday, March 1, 2013

Preparing for Sweater Seaming!

by Kelly

Things to do when it snows like crazy and you have the adult version of a 'snow day':

1. Mop the floor. This is actually not something I'd recommend, but this seems to be my usual habit. At least the mop is handy for cleaning up tracked in snow.

2. Vacuum the floor with a Roomba. Especially entertaining if you have a staircase.

3. Fix a cat's scratching post.

This project I started myself, but my husband had to finish it. I just didn't have the oomph to pull that sisal rope tight. By the way, my husband says that make sure you have enough rope - I bought 100 feet of 1/4 inch sisal and that wasn't quite enough. A better amount for a two foot scratching post would be 125 feet.

4. Wash and block a sweater and prepare the pieces for seaming.

5. Research how to seam a raglan sweater and discover your first mistake before you even make it. The pattern instructions weren't clear, and I was going to start by seaming the sides. Luckily I went online and found out that seaming starts at the raglan shoulders. Whew! One mistake averted.

6. Optional : Cuddle on the couch with a husband and cat and watch the snow falling outside. Happiness.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Snowy Day Knitting

by Kelly

It's typical of Illinois weather that we only get a serious amount of snow after the groundhog forecast calls for spring. The robins are probably wandering around wondering if their travel agents accidentally booked them for the wrong arrival dates.

Meanwhile, sweater progress slooowly continues:

Sleeve number two is 2/3 of the way done. As my husband says, "Now all you have to do is seam it all together."

Yes. Seaming is in the near future. Sigh. On a brighter note, I have to schedule a dentist appointment soon. Maybe that will delay things.