Friday, October 12, 2012

How to Graph Chicken Scratch

by Kelly

I found this great online resource that I thought I would share. Free gingham printables! And in multiple colors, so not only can you more easily visualize the lacy pattern you're trying to create, but you can play around with colors as well.

I found this at Activity Village. The printables are totally free, provided you only use them for personal use.

These patterns would be fantastic for anyone who's trying to graph out a chicken scratch pattern. And if you're tired of the subdued colours of ordinary gingham, check out their supercharged bright colour version.

Activity Village is a wonderful place to find free printables, ranging from scrapbook paper to colouring pages for kids. If you have a few moments, take a look around their site. Especially here, here, and here.

I can't wait to get started with this. The ideas are just bubbling away. Oh, but I should really finish the mitten I have on my knitting needles, shouldn't I? Sigh.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Mittens and Kittens

by Kelly

Crafting for The Mitten Tree, a local charity that supplies cold weather accessories to needy kids, has begun! I've been attempting mittens again, with mixed results.

The right hand glove (actually on the left of the photo) went really well, even if it did turn out just a wee bit too large. But what went wrong with the second mitten, which is obviously smaller than the first? Did I cast on too few stitches? Did I knit more tightly the second time around?

While I puzzle over the possible problems here, at least I can enjoy the antics of my cat, who has some new toys provided by Dawn at our last Stitch and Bitch session:

How cute is that little octopus? I wouldn't have thought to combine pink and green in one yarn, but some genius yarn maker did, and it works really well. And as you can see from the slightly tattered condition of the fish, these toys are very popular with our 'tiger in residence'. He was actually a little miffed with me that I picked them up to take pictures.