Friday, September 28, 2012

Braided Flag Scarves

by Kelly

Autumn is officially here, and the trees are beginning to put on their annual fall finery:

And of course, you know what that means for us? That's's time to start churning out hats, scarves and mittens for The Mitten Tree, a local charity that provides for less fortunate kids.

I have sort of a head start, at least as far as the scarves go:

That's a French scarf, an Irish scarf, and an Italian scarf. I'd make an American scarf, except I'm struggling with a way to make stars on the blue. I considered making appliques, but on further thought I think there might be an easier way. I have to experiment a little, though.

I'm also going to give mittens and gloves another try this year. With a different pattern this time, one that explains how to avoid making a hole by the thumb.

I love all seasons equally, but fall and winter have added benefits now that I can crochet and knit. So many possibilities! And I'm going yarn shopping on Saturday with Dawn and Donna. I think we'll have a fantastic time hanging out together in a yarn store, especially since one of them once purchased a whole shopping cart of yarn, while the other one has a $50.00 gift certificate, so even if I don't buy a thing, I can live vicariously through the purchases of others.

My husband said that the idea sounded a little dangerous to him, but I just pointed out that it could be worse - I could be going shopping for books, after all. He thought about it for a minute, then agreed that yarn shopping didn't sound so bad after all.